“Never forget what Jesus did for you. Never take lightly what it cost Him. And never assume that if it cost Him His very life, that it won't also cost you yours.”
~Rich Mullins

Oct 19, 2010


So, Mrs. M wanted to sing for communion last Sunday, and she asked if Matt and I would accompany her. It went great, and here are the videos....

Grace Flows Down

In Christ Alone


  1. Lisa,
    We can hear the sound but can't see the picture??? Sounds great.....we're trying to figure out who Mrs. M is???
    Mrs. G.

  2. Oops! They showed up right after I posted.....must not have been patient enough for them to load :-)))
    Mrs. G.

  3. Yeah....sometimes the server I download my videos onto takes a little while to come in. Do you know who Mrs M is???

    Any chance of an AZ visit soon? Our weather is just gorgeous finally!

  4. No...I do not think I do know who that is??? As for a visit.....I would love it........this is my favorite time of year there along with March and April!
    I would love it if airplane flights would go down!!!!!
    Mrs. G.

  5. Mrs. M is my BFF. This was a pleasant surprise to see on your blog. Thanks for blessing us.
