“Never forget what Jesus did for you. Never take lightly what it cost Him. And never assume that if it cost Him His very life, that it won't also cost you yours.”
~Rich Mullins

Mar 12, 2011

The other ad

This is the other ad I made. I am making one for Beamer that I will put on here when I am done....it is really fun!!!!!!!!

Touch of Class

In a few weeks is the big miniature horse show called Touch of Class. I am taking my mare, Justine, and my mom is taking Design. We have been working like crazy to get them ready. Yes, the mare on my background is Justine.

This is her driving the other day
My mom's outfit is really funny...she got this big red hat at Goodwill and it matches perfectly with the dress.

And this is just a funny picture of Jessie shaving Warrior. She didn't want all the hair to go in her clothes, so she wore this yellow slicker to keep herself from getting itchy LOL

If I'm not on here much, it is becuase all my spare time is spent doing taxes or working horses right now :)