At 2:45 AM on Sunday morning, my mom, sisters, a friend and I loaded up in our crew cab truck with the 90 pound yellow Lab, 3 horses, and a truck and trailer FULL (read: packed entirely to the roof bursting with stuff can't fit another thing), and headed out for Ft Worth, TX to spend a week at the World Miniature Horse Show.
21 hours and many adventures later, we pulled in to the Will Rogers Memorial Center at 2:00 AM Texas time. Since renting a hotel room for 5 girls for a week was out of the budget, we came up with the genius idea of camping out in a stall in the barns for the whole week we're here. What we didn't realize is that they leave the barn lights on all night long. Which means you're laying there on your cot staring up at a glaring fluorescent light beaming relentlessly down on you.
Thankfully, we had some spare stall curtains, so I ingeniously proceeded to use duct tape to attach curtains over the stall to create a roof...or a block from the torturous light.
Finally around 5 AM, we all laid down to get some sleep. By 8 AM, people were all in the barns, loudspeakers were going, and sleep was out of the question.
Running on 5 hours of sleep over the past 50 or so hours, we climbed out of bed with bloodshot eyes and swollen faces, and headed out to start our day.
It's been so much fun. Honestly! Today has been like one big family reunion between trainers, fellow competitors, and other horse crazy people. People we've been in touch with over the internet, but are now meeting, talking to, putting names with faces, etc. Everyone is supportive of each other, having fun, and it's a horse lovers paradise here. Gorgeous horses everywhere, everyone living, breathing, sleeping, talking HORSES!!!!
And I have my camera!!! Planning on coming home with lots of pictures :)
Our first class is tomorrow night for my mom and her little boy, so we are all geared up to go.
I've been typing this up out in the big arena where I can get some internet while watching Mom work Design and Jess play with the camera. Since it's almost 10 PM here, I'm off to sleep a little before starting another crazy fun day!!!
Talk to everybody soon!!
In Him,