Where I live, it's dry....seriously dry. In fact, it's so dry that the cows give powdered milk.
Well tonight, out here in this parched and barren wilderness, we had a rainstorm. This was no common rainstorm, but the worst in the history of my little home town.
What do the girls and I decide to do? Run to the store and get a milkshake!! (Now, you must remember we live out in the boonies, and it's not like we drive around the corner to the store. No, the store is quite a few miles away.)
On the way to the store, we admired the beautiful storm clouds, and as we came back out of the store, we were thrilled that it had started sprinkling. But as we hit the main road, we were thrilled no longer.
In just a matter of seconds, we were in a full-out flash flood. Completely flooded roads drug our car wherever they pleased, the lines on the roads were utterly gone, fallen trees were everywhere, lightening flashed uncomfortably close, the windshield wipers kept an ominous beat, and I began one of my most terrifying drives ever.
At the measly pace of 10 miles per hour, we crawled home with emergency flashers on. According to Jessie, it was "movie-worthy!"
I personally expected Thor to come down and land on my windshield....just sayin'.
Definitely an adventure......but next time, someone else can drive ;)