The show went great! I had so much fun, and am really hooked on showing minis now.
We got up at 4:45 AM, got everything ready, loaded us, the horses, clothes, harnesses, carts, etc., and headed up to 14th St and Carefree Hwy. We left around 6 and got to the show around 7. After unloading everything, measuring horses in, and signing up, we set up the shade chairs and watched for a while.
My friends, Loren and Sam, were both showing in the first classes (halter), so I had fun playing with the camera and taking pictures of them.
As it started getting close to lunch time, Kailey and Jessie looked in the ice chest and found out that all Mom had packed was a loaf of bread, mayo, and meat. They got desperate and started texting Kailey's friend, Brittany, who was coming to the show and begging her to bring them McDonald's. Now, I am NOT a McDonalds fan, but that sounded better than the other option we had, so we were all delighted when Brittany, her boyfriend, and her mom showed up with cheeseburgers for everyone!
Right after lunch, I went to change out of my t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops and into my long sleeved show shirt, black pants, boots, and it was almost 100 degrees, I was not looking forward to doing so! The only place I had to change was in the dressing room of our mini trailer, and considering that that is only about 5 feet tall, and Iam 6 feet tall, that was a difficult thing to do. But, you do what you have to do, and I got it done!
The show went really well. In Youth Country Pleasure, I placed 2nd out of four competitors! I had a total blast and really want to go to Norco in July now...
Oh, one last thing that was really funny. After the show, when I changed back into my "normal" clothes, I just pulled my boots on with my shorts because I didn't want to go find my other shoes. So, on the way home, we stopped at a Circle K for sodas, and I forgot that I was in shorts and boots! And, not just capris...
shorts! Anyways, these two guys were so funny. One was your typical "city boy" with the kinda tight jeans, sunglasses, graphic tee, etc., and he just kept looking back over his shoulder and staring at me with this "what is she wearing" look on his face. Then, when I was walking out, this guy walked in and looked at me and....he started laughing! Outright, outloud laughter! I looked at Anna and said, "Did that guy just laugh at me?," and she said, "I thought the same thing!" Crazy! but funny!!!!
My friend, Loren, showing her stallion, Bailey
Me with Warrior...I am not frowning in these pictures. I am either concentrating, or squinting because I can't wear my sunglasses while I am actually showing :)
Mom and ZigZag
Me and Mom before our classes

Practicing to be a model....JK!!!!!! Totally kidding